Oct 8, 2019 | Events, Home cooking, MasterChef
For January 2020 I will be available for private dining events, whether an intimate dinner party or for a special occasion, please get in touch if you have something in mind or for more details.
* Master Chef Finalist 2017
* Former Senior Sous Chef – Roux@Parliament Square
* Currently working for 3 Michelin Star, Maaemo in Oslo
Apr 2, 2017 | Home cooking, My dishes

In my spare time I like to improve my baking skills, so at home I made this super soft and tasty bread.
Using buttermilk in the bread gave a much softer and dense texture, and with the smokey bacon flavour it was really enjoyable to eat with some soup the next day.
Before baking I brushed over some bacon fat and maldon salt and threw some cold water in the bottom of my oven at home to induce some steam resulting in a great crust.
Oct 18, 2016 | Home cooking, My dishes

Wanted to make something a bit more interesting for breakfast on Sunday.
A traditional and simple farmhouse loaf recipe but replaced water for a strong IPA beer, that with the addition of black treacle just elevated the flavour.
Made for some decent blt’s