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Pop-Up event with Master Chefs

6 Chefs from Master Chef the Professionals are hosting lunchtime and evening events on Saturday 27th January 2018 at Roux @ Parliament Square in Westminster, London. Each Chef will cook a dish inspired by their creations featured on Master Chef the Professionals 2017; Lunch – Arrival 12:00 for Champagne and Snacks Dinner – Arrival 18:30 for Champagne and Snacks.


Cheese & Onion – Steve Lickley

Cheese custard, pickled/charred onions

Veal  – Tom Moody

Veal, cauliflower, yeast, blackcurrant.

Atlantic Wreck Fish – Jamie Park

Atlantic wreck fish, plankton, sweet potato, king oyster.

Suckling Pig – Tom Peters

Suckling pig, alsace bacon, golden turnip, leek

Rhubarb – Leo Kattou

Rhubarb, butter milk

Raw Cacao – Matt Campbell

Raw cacao, Jerusalem artichoke, nuts, caramel

Drinks pairing included.

£125.00 pp – limited availability

Drinks pairing included.

(Any seating requests, allergies and dietary requirements please provide on booking form)

This is not an official MasterChef event and is hosted by Tom Peters.



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Roux at Parliament Square restaurant and bar are located on the ground and first floor within the Georgian Grade II listed building of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Roux at Parliament Square RICS, Parliament Square 11 Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AD United Kingdom Any queries please contact Tom on 07881 675056